Работа Linux Administrator
23 нови обяви за работа
Linux Application Administrator At DSK Bank, we constantly strive to provide the best experience to our customers by offering them innovative digital solutions and excellent service in our offices. All this would not be possible without a strong te...
Senior Mail Administrator (Linux Messaging) You’ll know A1 Bulgaria is the right place for you if you are driven by: Opportunities to learn and build your career; Meaningful work in a stable and fast-paced company; Diversity of people, project...
2,910 лв - 3,180 лв / месец (нето) от работодател
We are committed to transforming the challenges of finding a new job into an inspiring path of change and support. With pride, we can say that we have been among the best in the recruitment field for 18 years. For one of our clients – an internati...
CTeam е компания за подбор на персонал, част от група компании, предлагащи широка гама от услуги в областта управление на човешкия капитал, ...
ICT System Administrator You’ll know A1 Bulgaria is the right place for you if you are driven by: Opportunities to learn and build your career; Meaningful work in a stable and fast-paced company; Diversity of people, projects, and platforms; A su...
СИСТЕМЕН АДМИНИСТРАТОР Ние сме КРЕЗ ЕООД – българска компания, която стартира своята търговска дейност в град Пазарджик през далечнат...
Job Description: About AML RightSource We are AML RightSource, the leading technology-enabled managed services firm focused on fighting financial crime for our clients and the world. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, and operating across the globe,...
Вече 19 години верига аптеки Subra предоставят на своите клиенти и пациенти качествени лекарствени и козметични продукти, медицински издел...
“Автокомерс 93” ООД е лидер във вноса и продажбата на авточасти, автохимия и други консумативи за всички видове леки, лекотоварни и тежк...
3,180 лв - 4,080 лв / месец (нето) от работодател
IT System Administrator / Lead (onsite) Talentica OOD is Bulgarian consulting company in the field of human resources. We provide variety of services to our clients, which meet their needs and resolve their issues related to personnel as well as blu...
Системен Администратор Ние сме Кеш Кредит – компания с лидерска позиция в кредитирането. Отличителни за нас са – иновативният подход к...
Некст Логистик е част от най-голямата логистична група на Балканите, предоставяща иновативни решения за транспорт и логистика. Вярваме ...
For the IT Division Postbank is searching for a motivated: SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR - WINDOWS Knowledge and experience in any of the following technologies: Responsible for planning, installation, configuration and maintenance of the Server Operating ...
СИСТЕМЕН АДМИНИСТРАТОР Ние в Техномаркет България ЕАД сме убедени, че успехът на всяка компaния започва с грижата и отговорността към с...
ICT System Administrator You’ll know A1 Bulgaria is the right place for you if you are driven by: Opportunities to learn and build your career; Meaningful work in a stable and fast-paced company; Diversity of people, projects, and platforms; A su...
Какво е това?
Това е изчисление на Yox за приблизителната работна заплата за тази позиция. Посочената стойност не е потвърдена от работодателя и може да се различава с реалната стойност на предлаганото възнаграждение.
Как се смята?
Изчислена Заплата е приблизителната стойност на възнаграждение за конкретната позиция на базата на данни от стотици хиляди обявени заплати по професия за последните 2 години. В Yox се предоставя и информация за заплатите от служители, която също е част от изчислението.
Защо тази информация е полезна?
Можеш да разбереш приблизителната заплата за тази позиция. Можеш и да филтрираш списъкът с обявите за работа по размер на работната заплата.
Пълно описание
At DSK Bank, we constantly strive to provide the best experience to our customers by offering them innovative digital solutions and excellent service in our offices.
All this would not be possible without a strong team, so our most valuable asset remains the people who work at DSK Bank. We will continue to seek and develop their talent and expertise, because this is the team that distinguishes us.
Our principles are:
- I work with a focus on the client.
- I have an ownership mindset.
- I am agile – I achieve quick results with small teams.
- I communicate the truth in an open and transparent way.
Linux Application Administrator
Your Responsibilities:
- Work in close collaboration with Platform team manager and Platform team change manager
- Perform maintenance tasks to ensure smooth day-to-day operations in the agreed SLAs with business
- Maintain the health of the systems including trend analysis for capacity planning, proactive monitoring and health assessments for performance tuning and recommendations and implementation of best practices
- Act as 2nd level support and actively communicate with 3rd level support for incidents and problems resolution
- Prepare and maintain systems documentation including installation and configuration procedures, troubleshooting guidelines, disaster recovery and backup and restore procedures
- Ensure regular update of the configuration items (Cis) in the CMDB
- Participate in 24x7 On-Call duties for non-business hours Application Support and Administration
- Participate in business and technical projects within the technological area of responsibility
- Bachelor degree in Computer science or relevant
- 1+ years experience as a System Administrator, Application support, or similar role
- Knowledge on ITIL processes
- Good knowledge with the following Linux distributions (Ubuntu and Red-Hat)
- Experience with Unix/Linux applications
- Еxperience with MySQL or PostgreSQL
- Еxperience with Apache/HTTPD
- Knowledge about SSL/TLS
- Basic knowledge about HTTP and TCP/IP protocols
- Good understanding of hardware and software
- Good troubleshooting and problem solving skills
- Analytical skills and strong attention to detail
- Team player with a positive attitude
- Good level of English
- Scripting language – Bash or Python (at least one is a big plus)
- Experience with Oracle Database will be considered as plus
- Experience with Oracle WebLogic, Apache Tomcat or IBM WebSphere will be considered as big plus
- Experience with tools like Ansible, Docker, or Zabbix (at least one is a big plus)
- Positive and dynamic environment focused on results and customer satisfaction.
- Vouchers for food on the amount of BGN 200 per month
- Additional health insurance
- Very favorable conditions for housing and mortgage lending
- Multi-sport card at a preferential price
- Bonus system
- 25 days paid holiday leave
Мнения и оценки от служители
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