Работа Kundenservice
116 нови обяви за работа
Are you ready to take the next step in your career? If your answer is YES – join the leader in the CX (Customer Experience) industry TELUS International Bulgaria! As a Customer Support Specialist with German and English you will be a part of a gr...
Grove Global Consult is a consulting and recruitment agency, providing strategic consulting services in the areas of private business sector worldwide. For one of our exclusive clients - operating in the field of online casinos, we are looking for a ...
Grove Global Consult is a consulting and recruitment agency, providing strategic consulting services in the areas of the private business sector worldwide. For one of our clients, a fast-growing company in the field of iGaming, we have an opening for...
Grove Global Consult is a consulting and recruitment agency, providing strategic consulting services in the areas of the private business sector worldwide. For one of our clients, a fast-growing company in the field of iGaming, we have an opening for...
OnProcess Technology is a managed services provider specializing in complex, global service supply chain operations – the flow of people, parts and services following the sale of a product. Our deep expertise, technology-driven delivery and continu...
Telefon-support spezialist für kundenanfragen (bürojob, teil-/vollzeit)
Съдърланд Българиягр. София
2,330 лв - 3,180 лв / месец (нето) от работодател
Telefon-Support Spezialist für Kundenanfragen (Bürojob, Teil-/Vollzeit) Wir sind Sutherland Sutherland ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Customer Experience Management. Seit über 37 Jahren kümmern wir uns um die Kunden unserer ...
Telefon-support spezialist für kundenanfragen (bürojob, teil-/vollzeit)
Съдърланд Българиягр. Пловдив
Telefon-Support Spezialist für Kundenanfragen (Bürojob, Teil-/Vollzeit) Wir sind Sutherland Sutherland ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Customer Experience Management. Seit über 37 Jahren kümmern wir uns um die Kunden unserer ...
2,330 лв - 3,180 лв / месец (нето) от работодател
WIR SIND SUTHERLAND Sutherland ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Customer Experience Management. Seit über 37 Jahren kümmern wir uns um die Kunden unserer Kunden, indem wir kontinuierlich innovative Lösungen implementieren, Automa...
Kundensupport mit deutsch und englisch (entry level tech) – 4/6/8 stunden vom büro
Съдърланд Българиягр. София
Sutherland ist ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Customer Experience Management. Seit über 37 Jahren kümmern wir uns um die Kunden unserer Kunden, indem wir kontinuierlich innovative Lösungen implementieren, Automatisierung nutzen und...
1,000 лв - 1,000 лв / месец (бруто) от работодател
Wer sind wir: Unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf Menschen und Technologie, und das ist es, was uns antreibt. Wir entwickeln, bauen und implementieren End-to-End-Technologielösungen, die Herzen berühren und das Gesicht des Marktes verändern. Wer ist unse...
Backoffice kundenspezialist (non-voice) mit deutsch und englisch (büroposition, sofia, montag-freita
Съдърланд Българиягр. София
Wer wir sind Sutherland ist ein globaler Marktführer im Bereich digitale Transformation und erstklassigen Kundenservice. Wir sind die treibende Kraft hinter den heutigen Erlebnisriesen – den Unternehmen, die am besten für die transformativen Erl...
Какво е това?
Това е изчисление на Yox за приблизителната работна заплата за тази позиция. Посочената стойност не е потвърдена от работодателя и може да се различава с реалната стойност на предлаганото възнаграждение.
Как се смята?
Изчислена Заплата е приблизителната стойност на възнаграждение за конкретната позиция на базата на данни от стотици хиляди обявени заплати по професия за последните 2 години. В Yox се предоставя и информация за заплатите от служители, която също е част от изчислението.
Защо тази информация е полезна?
Можеш да разбереш приблизителната заплата за тази позиция. Можеш и да филтрираш списъкът с обявите за работа по размер на работната заплата.
Пълно описание
If your answer is YES – join the leader in the CX (Customer Experience) industry TELUS International Bulgaria!
As a Customer Support Specialist with German and English you will be a part of a great team and all together will:
- Deliver outstanding client service
- Achieve great customer experience and satisfaction
- Identify and assess customers’ needs
- Assist with general inquiries, product support, and troubleshooting via phone, e-mail, chat, or tickets
As a candidate, you do not need to have experience in a similar role but you should be fluent in German and have excellent communication skills.
We Offer:
- Fully paid training
- Stable job and career development opportunities
- Attractive salary
- Additional health insurance
- 50+ benefits and services to choose from
- Positive international working environment
- Support and learning
- Employee referral bonuses
We care about the well–being of our employees, invest in their future growth, and encourage fun and team-building projects!
Does it sound like the perfect job for you? Apply now!
About us: TELUS International Bulgaria is a publicly traded company (NYSE & TSX: TIXT) and the country's largest employer in the CX (Customer Experience) industry with over 4,200 team members. The company provides a broad portfolio of services - designing, building, and delivering next-generation digital services, AI solutions, customer experience, and much more. The company's primary focus is strict adherence to all our clients' procedures and practices. We are an independent outsourcing services provider and do not function as a local representation of our partners.
Социални Придобивки
- health_and_safety iconДопълнително Здравно Осигуряване
- timer_offГъвкаво Работно Време
- credit_cardБонусова Система
- sports_footballКарта за Спорт
- local_diningБезплатни Храна и Напитки
- card_travelВаучери за Транспорт
- card_giftcardВаучери за Храна
- schoolБезплатни Обучения/Курсове
- date_rangeДопълнителен Годишен Отпуск
- groupsПартита/Тиймбилдинг
- videogame_assetЗала за Почивки/Забавления
Средна заплата за сектора
1,920 лв / месец (изчислена от Yox)
Средна работна заплата за страната изчислена от YOX
300 лв / месец
32,850 лв / месец
Мнения и оценки от служители
Финален преглед
Увери се, че информацията е точна и ако всичко е наред натисни „Изпрати“ и твоята кандидатура отива незабавно за преглед в .
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